It's On!!
- please do NOT read further if you are comfortable watching the action from your favorite chair.Lorraine Goffney, director of Our Seeds of Faith, is hosting a paintball mission for your participation and enjoyment
DATE: Saturday, July 20, 2013
TIME: Chartered bus departs at 7 am, boarding details TBA
FEE: $85/pp
- Full Day Admission to the playing field (9:00 am until 5:00 pm)
- Tippmann Pneumatics Pro-Carbine Semi-Auto Marker
- Nitrogen Tank with Unlimited Air Refills All Day
- Proto Switch Goggles and Face Mask
- Paintball Carry Pouch with Tubes and Belt for carrying extra paintballs on the field
Purpose: Our Seeds of Faith, a 501 c3 entity provides support and training for families that have suffered the violent loss of a loved family member. Your support helps provide training and skill programs enabling the survivors to better cope and grow out of the environment that allowed for the death of the family member (and it helps if You are also having tons of fun!)
Our Seeds of Faith's efforts are centered on the surviving youth and adults of the Camden area, NJ